Day Trip to Cortona
Today, Katie and I made a quick trip to Cortona, an ancient Etruscan hilltop village near Arezzo. This place is pretty special to me. I spent a week there in high school on a school run art trip. It was a peaceful week with an empty itinerary, except for two day trips, and breakfast, and dinner. The rest of the time was devoted to making art in a gorgeous studio in Hotel Oasi Neumann (pictured). Visiting almost five years later, it’s a whole lot quieter and quite a bit colder (it is February, after all). Still, the memories came flooding back and the creative juices were flowing just as they had been in 2019. Here’s to good times!
Looking down on a little street.
A very red door that caught my eye.
Cortona switchbacks.
Looking down on the valley (bonus points if you can spot Oasi Neumann — it’s the one with the steeple).
Row of houses on the edge of town.
Cute old Volkswagen.
Katie at the train station.