Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Zermatt (Part I)

After our day in Zurich, Tim and I left for four days in Zermatt. After a high speed train to Visp (and a much slower speed cog railway afterwards) we arrived to the snowy Swiss village. We couldn’t see the Matterhorn which bummed me out, but we could see the snow accumulating at our feet, which boded well for skiing. We explored the snowy streets and ate fondue for dinner. The Swiss know what they’re doing when it comes to good food… you’re telling me that I get to eat a pot of cheese for dinner? I’ll take ten!

Snow coming down on a side street.

Snow and clouds on the mountain.

Chairlift 1.

Chairlift 2.

Charlift 3.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Zurich

After a horrible twelve hour overnight train in seats that did not recline, I woke up in Zurich with Tim, Lindsay, and Tory. We strolled along the Zurich streets and admired the beautiful pastel colors and interesting architecture. A day of sightseeing was concluded with a trip to the Lindt Home of Chocolate (highly recommend for those of you with a sweet tooth) and a well deserved nap. We finished the day with bratwurst on a baguette with the spiciest mustard I have ever had. I preferred the chocolate.

Fraumunster clock tower peeking out from behind.

Pastel houses on a Zurich street.

Looking down the street from a plaza.

University of Zurich academic building.

Spires near and far.

Swiss swans dotted along the pond (say that ten times quickly).

Wes Anderson-esque train station.

Waiting for the train to arrive.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Amsterdam

It’s been a while since I’ve last posted, however certainly not due to a lack of content. Today I have concluded a wonderful spring break trip which included three days in Amsterdam, a day in Zurich, four days in Zermatt, and a day in Milan. It has been a whirlwind of trains and hotels and reservations. This is the first of four (or five) posts about this trip. Last Friday, I got on a plane to Amsterdam out of Pisa. I landed and met up with nine other friends from Colby for a weekend of sushi, bars, museums, and boat tours. Highlights include walking around the Jordaan neighborhood and visiting the Van Gogh museum. Lowlight was my decision to get on an overnight train to Zurich on Sunday (NOT a sleeper car). Redlights were seen on Saturday night when we decided to skip the club. Weird vibes over there.

Row of crooked houses.

Conversations at an Amsterdam bar.

Friends dancing in green light.

Glasses at the shooter bar.

Telephone line slicing an almost cloudless sky.

Waiting for the train at Weesperplein.

Hotel next to crooked houses.

A dog’s best friend.

Reddish afternoon light.

Lovers boat tour.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Day Trip to Cortona

Today, Katie and I made a quick trip to Cortona, an ancient Etruscan hilltop village near Arezzo. This place is pretty special to me. I spent a week there in high school on a school run art trip. It was a peaceful week with an empty itinerary, except for two day trips, and breakfast, and dinner. The rest of the time was devoted to making art in a gorgeous studio in Hotel Oasi Neumann (pictured). Visiting almost five years later, it’s a whole lot quieter and quite a bit colder (it is February, after all). Still, the memories came flooding back and the creative juices were flowing just as they had been in 2019. Here’s to good times!

Looking down on a little street.

A very red door that caught my eye.

Cortona switchbacks.

Looking down on the valley (bonus points if you can spot Oasi Neumann — it’s the one with the steeple).

Row of houses on the edge of town.

Cute old Volkswagen.

Katie at the train station.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Prague

This past weekend, I met a whole bunch of friends for a weekend in Prague. It is an absolutely beautiful city. I was constantly blown away by the history, the architecture and the colors. I flew in Thursday night with Tim and we met up with the rest of the crew on Friday. When we weren’t sightseeing, we were hanging out in our seven person Airbnb (squeezing five people into one room). Surprisingly, everyone had a bed. Felt like little orphan Annie a bit. Highlights include showering on our knees (only a bathtub with a detachable shower head— yikes), riding in a paternoster elevator, Dog Bar, and the St. Vitus Cathedral. Would visit again!

Afternoon light on the street.

Disco ball in a club.

Pastel buildings.

Prague rooftops and chimneys.

Dog bar from above.

Couple waiting for their plane.

My ride home.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Birds, Jazz, and the Gucci Museum

Good week of photographs. Tim and Emma came down to Florence for a weekend with me and Kate. Highlights included wine tasting, two great dinners, and the Boboli Gardens. We also made trips to the Gucci museum and the Medici Chapels. Those guys were rich!

Bird eating lunch.

Endless bag maze at the Gucci Museum.

The Jazz Club.

Melted bicycle tire.

Three birds on a wire.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

There’s a Horse and Buggy Outside the Chanel

Some more of the same (and some more of some new). Since being in Florence, I’ve found I carry my 35mm camera with me everywhere and keep it strapped around my neck as a kind of security object. I’ve burned through so much film that I’ve decided that it’s time to slow the hell down and focus on the work that has yet to be edited for presentation. That means shooting primarily with my iPhone which is great news for this blog. Here’s what caught my eye today.

Still life photoshoot.

Basketball hoops on a volleyball court in a Piazza.

Woman riding her bike through the park.

Ristorante shadows.

Birds above Santa Maria Novella.

Man watching a woman tap dance.

Tourist trap horse carriage outside the Chanel.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

A Restful Week in Firenze

It’s been a few days since I’ve last posted. I’ve spent the last week back in Florence and continued to photograph the usual… classes, bars, tourist traps. I kept it simple and stayed in town for the weekend too. Had a visit from Eliza which was great. Another week down and many to go. Grateful for the down time.

Confetti on the streets after carnival.

Shooting with a model in fashion photography.

People squeezing into a photobooth.

Reflections and shadows on glass bricks.

Man smoking in a hole.

Tourist trap reflections.

Shadows at the Uffizi.

Colors at the bar.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Copenhagen (Part II)

A continuation of my first blog post for a trip to Copenhagen I took this past weekend. I’ve been home for a day now and I can say I’ve finally recovered from the series of planes, trains, and automobiles that I had to take to get here though. I did, however, feel in the moment like Steve Martin did in the car rental agency. Luckily no sassy kiosk workers.

Tim looking up at the castle.

Dinner above a minimart.

Opulent vodka reveal.

Creepy Scandinavian flight attendants.

Woman watching the descent into Zurich.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

American in Copenhagen (Part I)

This past weekend, Kate and I travelled up to Copenhagen for a weekend of friends and Carlsberg: probably the best beer in the world (their words not mine). Highlights include unexpected run-ins (Hej, Elsa!), going to the Living Room, partying with other study abroad Americans that were total strangers to me, and eating some good— albeit overpriced— Copenhagen food. Splitting this post up into two because there’s lots to see.

The endless Santa Maria Novella.

Passengers ignoring the view.

Morning light on Danish bricks.

Nyhavn colors.

Ducks and Rosenborg castle.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Yesterday’s Walk

I went down to the Ponte Vecchio yesterday to take some shots with my medium format camera. When I ran out of film (rather quickly), I stuck around and took a few iPhone snapshots. I walked home and tried to notice the smaller details… light through windows, old train stations, dogs and their toys. Initially, it was hard not to be distracted by the beauty of Florence, but as this new place has become familiar, it’s getting a little easier.

Ponte Vecchio Lights.

Woman looking at expensive jewelry.

Tourists photograph the golden light on the Vecchio Palace.

Purple light at the Santa Maria Novella train station.

Dog in a sweater with a ball.

Jaywalker at the train station.

Temporary structure close to where I live.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Obligatory Tourist Photographs

As any newbie in a foreign city, I’ve made my rounds throughout much of the popular tourist destinations. Lots of looking around. Also up and down too. Today I spent a good chunk of time scanning my first few frames of film. I’ll give a sneak peak at the end of this blog, but go check out the new section of my “Recent Work” page.

Giotto’s Bell Tower.

Walking into the smog.

Man hides a cigarette behind his girlfriend.

The tower of Palazzo Vecchio.

Man getting drunk at the river.

See "Recent Work” for more 35mm shots.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Settling in, Pisa, Leaning Towers…

As the dust begins to settle on the excitement of a new place, I’m finding myself falling into some nice routines. Less directions places and more navigating intuitively. Classes are developing and are beginning the “meat and potatoes” of the coursework. I painted my first color wheel and took my first reading quiz for art history. A weekend day trip to Pisa topped the first week off where Kate and I took leaning tower pictures (not posted — reach out and maybe I’ll send them to you ;) ).

My morning coffee and my dirty oven.

Some jars.

Colors on Jamie’s palette.

Sunset and a flock of birds over the Duomo.

Man sitting at the foot of a big door.

Busy Pisa cityscape.

The tower of Pisa (not pictured: the leaning).

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Down by the Ponte Vecchio

Today I had only one class, Fashion Photography, where we began the fundamentals of exposure and studio lighting. Instead of proceeding to my next class, Digital Imaging for Art Photography, I instead went out to shoot as I will now being doing an independent study with the professor during class time. I went down to the Ponte Vecchio to photograph the rain, clouds, tourists, and the panhandlers.

Dogs mimicking their owner’s behavior.

Francesco’s studio lighting.

Man looking at jewelry on the Ponte Vecchio.

The panhandler.

Clouds on a Florentine horizon.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

First Day of Classes

It’s Monday, January 15th, the first day of classes. A nice walk to campus with some stops for photographs led to three hours of fashion photography and another three of digital imaging for art photography. Stopped on the way home for photo chemistry and later went for an ice cream sandwich. Ate it in a photo booth. Perhaps a new photo project? Stay tuned…

The professor’s station.

Man cutting down a tree.

Light through some scaffolding.

Looking up at the same scaffolding.

Apartment building after a fire.

Man at a tram station.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Space Club

First real experience in a true Italian club. Dancers, lights, confetti, new friends, tequila sodies. Sounds good, right?

Lasers in front of the DJ.

Hand reaching out of a sea of people.

The fog machines.

Confetti for a rich girl’s birthday.

Woman dancing on the stage.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

The First Few Days

After a whirlwind of jet lag, lost bags, unpacking, sìs, grazies, and pregos, I’ve finally found time to sit down and update the blog. The first thing that has struck me is the Tuscan light. Now I understand what all the fuss is about.

Light on Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico.

Old man driving an old car.

Tourists on their way to their hotel near the Duomo.

Light reaching under a bridge.

A tour of the studio art facility.

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Drew Bennett Drew Bennett

Across the Pond

I flew into Florence yesterday morning around 11am after a flight to Paris and subsequent four hour layover. It’s far colder than I expected (but hey, it’s January here too). In typical American fashion, I completely overpacked and checked two bags. In typical Florence Airport fashion, they lost both of them.

Reflections at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France

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