Settling in, Pisa, Leaning Towers…

As the dust begins to settle on the excitement of a new place, I’m finding myself falling into some nice routines. Less directions places and more navigating intuitively. Classes are developing and are beginning the “meat and potatoes” of the coursework. I painted my first color wheel and took my first reading quiz for art history. A weekend day trip to Pisa topped the first week off where Kate and I took leaning tower pictures (not posted — reach out and maybe I’ll send them to you ;) ).

My morning coffee and my dirty oven.

Some jars.

Colors on Jamie’s palette.

Sunset and a flock of birds over the Duomo.

Man sitting at the foot of a big door.

Busy Pisa cityscape.

The tower of Pisa (not pictured: the leaning).


Obligatory Tourist Photographs


Down by the Ponte Vecchio